We are pleased to announce that the Fifth Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference will be held October 25-27, 2024 at the School of Foreign Languages at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Note that registration is delayed. We will update when the dates are known. The Call for Papers and details are listed on the conference website at apclc2024.org

We have started a mailing list for APCLA. You can find subscription information at http://apcla.net/mailman/listinfo/list_apcla.net

Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conferences

The biennial Asia-Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference has been held in Auckland 2012, Hong Kong 2014, Beijing 2016, and Takamatsu 2018.

For a nostalgic return to a more innocent time, you can visit the Auckland conference website

APCLA Listserv

We have set up a mailing list related to Corpus Linguistics in the Asia-Pacific region. Apparently, there is some difficulty for colleagues in China to subscribe because of the captcha. To subscribe, you can simply send email to apcla@apcla.net.


The Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Association aims to promote the study and development of corpus linguistics research and applications in the Asia-Pacific Region. Through the website, the Association provides news on organisations and conferences related to corpus linguistics. One important purpose of the Association is to maintain the continuity of the Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conferences and to provide a mechanism for selecting the location of future conferences. A steering committee has been formed in order to create an institutional structure for the holding of future conferences in the Asia-Pacific region. The following corpus linguists have agreed to take part in the committee: Michael Barlow (chair), Monika Bednarek, Winnie Cheng, Hitoshi Isahara, CK Jung, Yukio Tono, Naixing Wei

Deny Kwary

With great sadness, we have to report that Deny Kwary passed away very suddenly in June 2019. He was an active member of the Asian corpus linguistics community and was working on preliminary plans to hold an APCLC conference in Indonesia when he died. A memorial statement delivered at AsiaLex is available here.

Inaugural APCLC (2012)

The First Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference was held at the University of Auckland in New Zealand in 2012. For more information, go to the conference website or view a presentation of conference photos.


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Sydney Corpus Lab

Monika Bednarek recently set up the Sydney Corpus Lab which aims to promote corpus linguistics in Australia. It is a virtual, rather than a physical lab, and is an online platform for connecting computer-based linguists across the University of Sydney and beyond. Its mission is to build research capacity in corpus linguistics at the University of Sydney, to connect Australian corpus linguists, and to promote the method in Australia, both in linguistics and in other disciplines.

Corpus Linguistics in Pakistan

Corporum, Journal of Corpus Linguistics, is the first journal of corpus linguistics in Pakistan. It is published by the Corpus Research Centre, Department of English, Faculty of Social Sciences, Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan and can be accessed here.


The Korean Association for Corpus Linguistics held its inaugural meeting in December 2012 at Pusan National University in Busan. The online journal can be accessed here.